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Busines Flyer

business flyer

For this design it took me awhile to finally decide on a business, which I ended up deciding on a piercing shop that does color hair highlights as well. With this decision, I knew my target audience would be mainly teenagers and young adults. I used a white font and black background to create a strong contrast between the text and the rest of the document. I also arranged and aligned everything so it wasn’t chaotic but have some things slanted to change the feel, to give it more of a fun look instead of everything just being flat. I used various pictures that contrast between each other to help capture the viewer’s attention. I even decided to use a picture of myself when I had my hair dyed blue. I used the same font throughout most of it to give the overall document unity, but gave the “Grand Opening!” a different font as the flyer’s eye catching phrase. I also had the name originally at the top, but after looking over the helpful guidelines I put the shop name at the bottom since the last few words are what people usually remember.