Favorite Links!

HTML Cheatsheet

I really like this site because sometimes while writing my codes I know what I want to make the text or an object do, but I can't remember what the certain tag is. This site has a large list of tags and has them nicely categorized so it is easy to find what you are looking for.


I like this site because they have tons of different fonts and they are all categorized so you can find the style of font you are looking for easier. I really also like that many of the fonts let you test what it looks like and with different sizes before downloading it.


This site is great for finding free photoshop brushes. I love making backgrounds and also signatures for forums, so I'm always looking for some new cool brush sets.

Color Scheme Designer

This site is really nice for giving your website a color scheme. You can choose the main color you want and it can give you different schemes based on the parameters you choose. It then tells you the hexidecimal codes for all the colors of the scheme you create.